Thursday, December 17, 2009

I am trying to figure out how to Hook up a heater core since the previouse owner bypassed it?

Its a 1990 Buick Skylark I purchased because the owner didnt know what was wrong with it I replaced the water pump and installed a a few freezepluggs but I would like to know how to ';Un';bypass the heatercore. Thank you.I am trying to figure out how to Hook up a heater core since the previouse owner bypassed it?
He most likely by passed it right in front of the fire wall where the coolant lines go through. He most likely did it cause the car has a bad heater core, you might have to take the dash out to replace it. good luckI am trying to figure out how to Hook up a heater core since the previouse owner bypassed it?
Hook up the hoses back to the heater core inlet to inlet and outlet to outlet
he prob. just hooked both hoses together that go to the heater core,
I don't think there is a direction of flow for a heater core so take the hose from the water pump run it to the heater core and take the other one from the intake and hook it to the other side . It should work. I would think he also did away with the vacuum controlled water shut off also you may need to get one of those and add it in the loop use the vacuum chart to find out where the vacuum for this valve should come from.

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