Saturday, December 26, 2009

What motivates a person to figure out their Dreams and Goals?

When you feel you are in a slump in life and you know there is something missing and you don't have a goal or dream set how do you go about finding one?What motivates a person to figure out their Dreams and Goals?
Being alone, spending time alone, and thinking hard about your future, and what you want in life, and when. Plan your future, and set small goals start working towards your ';ultimate'; goal for the future. Before I fall asleep in bed at night, I think of the things I want in life. I think long and hard about them. Then the next day, sometimes, I'll research or learn more about them on the computer. It at least gives you perspective and ideas. But solitude/being alone, really makes my goals/dream/future plan come about and makes me driven.What motivates a person to figure out their Dreams and Goals?
the easiest way is to make a list of things is the world you wish someone would work on, or fix, or cure.

then pick the one that you care most about.

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