Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Who is the most important Black figure to the world?Michael jackson or Nelson Mandela?

Different fields but overral Nelson Mandela is not even competition the man is a Legendary hero!Who is the most important Black figure to the world?Michael jackson or Nelson Mandela?
I think they are so important and yet kinda different to the AFRICAN-AMERICAN culture. I would say that Nelson Mandela is as important in politics and that kind of stuff as Michael Jackson is to the Pop Culture of the XX Century. They both made important break troughs for their people in their respective fields of expertise.Who is the most important Black figure to the world?Michael jackson or Nelson Mandela?
What about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? He changed the face of civil rights for black people in America.

But between the two you listed, it's honestly hard to say. Michael Jackson changed the face of all music forever. But Nelson Mandela changed the entire way that South Africa was run. He wanted racial equality and democracy for all races in his country.

All in all, I think that between Michael Jackson and Nelson Mandela, Nelson Mandela had the greater impact. Civil rights and political democracy are more important to allow peace in a nation. Although, I love MJ and his music, his videos, his dancing, everything, and I give him the respect of being the greatest artist to date.
Martin Luther King Jr., Toussaint L'ouverture, W.E.B. Du Bois, Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Sydney Poitier, Langston Hughes, Louis Armstrong, Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, George Washington Carver. Know these names and love them.
Me obviously (and I am white).

Naah seriously now... WHAT ABOUT OBAMA? YOU KNOW?!? THE PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES... what were you thinking when you wrote this? don't you think the first black president in the united states is a big deal?
Currently, I'd say our president. Michael Jackson was simply an entertainer. But, out of the 2, I'd say Mandela - BIG TIME!!!
If you're going by press coverage, Michael Jackson. If you're using intelligent thought, Nelson Mandela.
You have answered your own question, in the details it's Nelson Mandela. I happen to believe Obama is more important, but to each his own.
Out of those two. Mandela

Although MJ was an entertainer, he donated his money and his time to charity work. His music also broke down the color walls.
If those are the only black people you can think of, then you should get an education... but of those two, Nelson Mandela, obviously...

Michael Jackson is a pathetic figure who did nothing but burn through a billion dollars in his lifetime (He made 500 Mill, died 540 mil in debt)

The most useless human being on ...or in the planet
Out of those two, Nelson Mandela surely?

Though personally I would have said MLK. Or Obama depending on how well he does over the next few years.
Can a pedophile be important?? Nelson is one of the greatest leader from the continent of Africa!
Nelson Mandela! MJ isn't even black anymore. that's how much he loved black people... he turned himself white.
Defiantly NOT Obama Ha =]

Nelson Mandela For Sure
u knw, i think the most special black figure is Bobby at mah stripper clubz.
the most important black figure to the world is the good parent
well mj is half and say obama kid
What about Obama ... ?

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